1-Encomium: A speech
2-Coherent: Theory, policy
3-Belabor: Argue, elaborate detail
4-Eschew: Avoid using
5-Acquisitive: Wanting money, material things
6-Emulate: Match
7-Arrogant: Take or claim
8-Banal: Boring
9-Excoriate: Criticize
10-Congeal: Solidify
11-Carping: Critical
12-Substantiate: Provide evidence to prove the truth
13-Temporize: Avoid making decision
14-Largess: Giving money or gifts, generous
15-Tenable: Maintained or defended
16-Insatiable: Impossible to satisfy
17-Reconnaissance: Observation, research
18-Germane: Not relevant
19-Ramify: Spread, branch out
20-Intransigent: Stubborn
21-Taciturn: Uncommunicative
22-Invidious: To get others mad
1- An encomium was given today at the school gymnasium.
2- We still listen to Einsteins coherent till this day.
3- Never belabor with your parents.
4- I eschew my phone in class.
5- There will always be acquisitive people.
6- The students try to emulate their previous lab.
7- Some sports players are arrogant in what they to.
8- Most of my classes are very banal.
9- People excoriate my artwork.
10- The ice will congeal in the freezer.
11- The man was in carping condition.
12- The police had to come up with substantiate evidence to prove him guilty.
13- Some students temporize on doing their homework.
14- Santa Claus is very largess.
15- The wild fire was tenable.
16- My mother is insatiable.
17- Our lab group does some serious reconnaissance.
18- That statement was germane to our conversation.
19- My parents are starting to feel like I'm really ramifying.
20- My grandpa is very intransigent.
21- My parents say me and my brother are very taciturn.
22- I'm very invidious to my siblings.
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