Monday, March 25, 2013

summary of BNW: Chaps 7-10

So basically to sum up chapters 7-10 Lenina and Bernard go to the savage reservation and get a different view on life.  At first Lenina was in disgust of how old the people were with their dark hair and skin.  She was in shock at the fact that they were all "mothers" and only shared one person for the rest of their lives.  This would all seem so ordinary to us, but in Brave New World it is taboo.  Bernard puts two-and-two together and realizes that Linda was the D.H.C's lover that he lost a long time ago.  She had a son, John, that was an outcast of the tribe because of their light skin and hair.  When John meets Bernard and Lenina he starts to grow fond of them, especially Lenina.  Bernard offers to take John back to London with them, and maybe Linda too.  Bernard was allowed to take them back with and and just as the Director was about to fire Bernard and make him transfer to Iceland, he brings Linda in the room and everyone was is awe.  The Director asked if  "..this was a monstrous practical joke" when Linda was asking him if she remembered exactly who she was.  John stepped into the room and got on his knees and in front of everyone shrieked "my father" Laughter broke out among the crowd and the director ran out with his hands covering his ears trying to ignore the Ford awful sounds of the word "father"

And that concludes chapters 7-10.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013


Miyah and I have decided to hack this project by becoming partners.  We are going to make a Wiki page on Langston Hughes.

Thursday, March 7, 2013


I thought today was very helpful. The intonation I got today at the career center will definitely help my next year singing up for applications. I don't know what colleges I'm looking at yet but I do know I want to go to Hancock for 2 years then transfer. I want to be in the medical field so hopefully Josie will help me on which way to go from there

Tuesday, March 5, 2013


1)I am a African American that was part of the Harlem's burgeoning cultural movement. (Harlem Renaissance)
2)I am the winner of "Opportunity" magazine literary competition and received a scholarship to attend Lincoln University.
3)I am a contributor for a Broadway play "Street Scene" which earned enough money so that I could buy a house in Harlem.
4)I am a victim of prostate cancer and had jazz and blues music at my funeral.
5)My home received New York City Landmark status in 1981.

Monday, March 4, 2013


Fact 1: Was an American poet and author during the Harlem Renaissance
Fact 2: He enrolled at Columbia University but dropped out to travel to Africa, Holland, and Paris
Fact 3: He died of prostate cancer
Fact 4: His parents divorced when he was young and left him with his grandma
Fact 5: He worked as a sailor before becoming a writer

Vocab March 4:

Chronic: persisting for a long time
Sentiment: attitude towards something
Mortality: death rate
Remorse: deep regret
Acquaintance: person you know, but aren't friends with
Sanity: reasonable behavior
Implication: conclusion that can be drawn from somebody
Alternative: another option
Savage: aggressive, hostile
Phenomenon: occurrence that can be perceived by senses