Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Chapter 7: GG

A lot happens in chapter 7; Nick and Gatsby sent over to the Buchanan's house to have lunch with Jordan, Tom, and Daisy. Everyone was restless because of the heat. Daisy wanted to go into town and no one obliged because it was extremely awkward. Gatsby drove in Toms car with Daisy and Tom drove with Jordan and Nick in Gatsby's car. Tom stopped at Wilson's garage to full up the car with gas. Mr. Wilson said that his wife Myrtle ( Toms girl on the side ) wanted to move out to the West. Once they reached town they went into a hotel to hang out. Gatsby then confronted Tom about how Daisy never loved him for the 5 years they had been married. They both broke out into an argument leaving both men furious and Nick, Jordan, and Daisy sat there awkwardly. While driving back home after the confrontation, Tom, Nick, and Jordan saw Myrtles dead body in the middle of the road while eye witnesses and cops were inside the garage. Listening to people's side conversations, Tom realized that the car who hit Myrtle was his own that Gatsby was driving. In shock he drives home in disbelief that Gatsby didn't even stop to help her. Nick waited outside for his taxi when Gatsby appeared from the bushes explaining to Nick that Daisy was the one who was driving and didn't stop when Gatsby wanted too. Nick was tired of everyone's drama and went home in the taxi and retired for the night.

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