Thursday, October 18, 2012


Notes on Self-Reliance:

Rely on yourself, you make/choose your own fate.  You decide what happens 

Each persons voice can be heard as strong as the great man in history.  The need for an induvidual to avoid conformaty and false consistancy and follow his/her instincts ideas.  

You get experience and knowledge from your own understandings.  Envy is ignorance. 

"The eye was placed where one ray should fall, that it might testify of that particular ray" meaning, they are to be more comfortable with themselves.  You choose what you focus on and think about.  

Another way of wording induvidualism: everyone has something to offer.

Significance of the "iron string", chosen because iron is strong and is extremely hard to break.  Connecting your life the bond between you and you needs to be strong. 

Trancsendentalism: to go beyond.

"The virtue in most request is conformaty, self-reliance is its aversion" meaning, being independant.

Don't be a follower, break out, be your own person and make a new path to follow

"words as hard as cannon balls"  meaning, these words will have great affect.

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